Wednesday 10 December 2014

What kind of institution would produce my film?

I think that if my thriller was made, that 20th Century Fox would be the production company. This is because they have made iconic thrillers such as Skyfall and Taken both of which have twisted areas and unexpected parts to the film. A similar film to our thriller is the popular feature, Taken. As our thriller opening title sequence will feature montages and jumps, this scene in Taken shows the similarity of what we are aiming to create.

Our thriller would fit the ethos of the production company because the thrillers they create are usually unpredictable and intriguing. As my thriller's opening title sequence is two people trapped, unknown to where they are, this resembles Taken's ethos well as a man is trying to find his child who is unaware of where she is. 20th Century Fox create high budget films with well known stars which I could imagine our film following in these footsteps as many of the twist and turns may need high amounts of technology during filming as well as well established actors.

Here is a link to the 20th Century Fox website:

The main advertising technique that would be used to market our thriller would be to provide advertisement through cinema adverts, talk shows and posters as they are a large business. The film would be shown in all main stream cinemas as well as a DVD release. It is unlikely there will be much merchandise for the thriller, however T-Shirts may be created if the film was to become popular. 20th Century Fox specialise in thrillers and suspense as the website shows with a huge list of thrillers coming out every year. However, due to the size of the company, they do not target a specific audience as they create a huge range of films from family to action. Thrillers such as Taken, Saw and Shutter Island will have the same target audience as our thriller. The ethos and target audience of the company is everyone, as they create many different types of films from different genres, however, they have created some of the most iconic thrillers to date, and therefore I would like my thriller to be part of that.

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