Thursday 27 August 2015

Digipack and Homepage Ideas for 'Words Don't Come So Easily' by Lower Than Atlantis

Digipack and Homepage Idea #3- Lower than atlantis

The homepage for lower than atlantis I assume would be similar to Everything Everything however, following the current theme of the band I imagine that they would include more pictures of themselves. In short the website would be the happy medium cross of Metallica and One Direction. The colour scheme would be dark pink and blues with their distinctive logo at the top. It would also have the typical page links at the top including a photograph page. As Lower Than Atlantis are aimed at 16-25 year olds, and both male and females, they would also have a tour date page as well as showing what festivals they are playing as they have recently played at Boardmasters. 

CD cover
The CD cover would maybe be a picture of a lip print kissed onto glass, which is what the song is all about- love. On the other hand it could have the homeless man sitting at the right of the frame with nothing around him, showing him being lonely and poor. These don’t distinctively follow the themes of their album artwork as their most recent album cover was a picture of themselves, so this may also be an option for the album cover, as long as it relates to the song itself. 

Current CD Cover

Digipack and Homepage Ideas for 'Distant Past' by Everything Everything

Website Design
Digipack and Homepage Idea #2- Everything Everything ‘Distant Past’ 

For the homepage, I would like to keep with the same genre and focus as what Everything Everything portray. As they are an alternative rock band, I would likely include more images and art than pictures of the actual band. This is because I am keeping with the theme of what they portray already, as their most recent album had a unusual and strange image which is pictured to the right. I would have tabs including tour dates, about and home. However, I would also use images and animations to intrigue the fan/viewer of the website to make them wonder about the band following the star theory which lets the fans know enough about the artist/band, but not enough so they are kept interested. Whereas if I was promoting a band such as One Direction, I would use a lot more pictures of the band themselves which is promoting the band  more than the music due to the target audience. 

The album cover would be interesting if it had a screenshot of the music video as the album cover, such as the idea of the treadmill and the actor running back to his past. This would enable the fans to relate to the video and album cover meaning it would promote both whilst also being a great album cover as the video follows the goodwins narrative theory. Alternatively it could carry on following the theme of Everything Everything’s album covers and use artwork as the cover, this could be relevant or not relevant. I would imagine that it would be a cartoon car facing left with lines coming from the back resembling it moving fast, also relating to back to the future. 
CD Design

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Digipack and Homepage Ideas for 'Keep it Up' by Rizzle Kicks

Roaring 20's
 My ideas for Rizzle Kicks would be to keep them authentic and as true to their brand image as possible with an album cover. Their previous designs of album covers has had them both present as the main line of focus, however their most recent one, Roaring 20's, featured them spread out which may mean that they are having a break from one another or one of them let a female inbetween their brother-like relationship. However, with the album cover for 'Keep it up' I would bring them back to their roots and have a picture of them as the main focus and likely have animations all around them. Their facial expressions would likely be bland with just them staring into the camera or on the other hand they could resemble the song and have them laughing at one another like the picture below.
For their homepage I would use a similar structure to the album cover by following the 'cheeky chappy' theme.  It would most likely feature Jordan on the left of the website, and Harley on the right which is the way that the public and fans are used to seeing them. They may have animations flying around them making it interactive for the user and their facial expressions may change.

CD Cover
Stereo Typical (debut album)

Sunday 23 August 2015

Music Video Idea #3- Lower Than Atlantis 'Words Don't Come So Easily'

Image result for lower than atlantisMy third idea for my music video is 'Words Don't Come So Easily' by Lower Than Atlantis. The song is varied and unexpected throughout which gave me the idea that it would be perfect to make a music video to.  The song would include a performance by 4 males, which would feature them singing in the studio playing their instruments (guitar, bass, singer, drums). The performance from the singer would be very passionate and look like he's loving it by including many smiles and the closing of the eyes. The video itself would feature a very beautiful girl in a coffee shop with her friends, presumably a regular and a homeless man who also goes to the coffee shop regularly. He has always loved her and was always very interested in her but he knew deep inside that she would never notice him. However, one day he decides to follow her out of the coffee shop to see what she does with her day. Before this at the beginning of the video before the song starts it could start with the man putting in headphones and clicking play to reveal this song. The clothing for this homeless man would be almost caveman like to emphasis the fact that he's homeless.

Effects that may be used include the homeless man walking forward in a town with a low angle tracking shot of the homeless man to show how his confidence has grown since the coffee shop which is likely to have many high angle shots. Moreover, when the man is walking forwards a flicker effect may be used to show the homeless man walking but then revealing the performers in his place, like a TV flicker or hologram to show how this man is feeling and how he has this powerful and uplifting song in his head due to the MP3 playback at the beginning. This is the main basis of the video however what the girl does exactly in the video is unknown. The performers when flickering would be wearing black leather jackets and black skinny jeans and black sunglasses to show that the homeless man is starting to feel cool, comfortable and confident.

Monday 17 August 2015

Music Video Idea #2- Everything Everything 'Distant Past'

Image result for everything everythingMy second idea is Distant Past by Everything Everything. The video would include a male, about 20, who is dreaming (however we don't know this until the end) about what he used to have and how his life has gone gradually down hill. The video would consist of this male running through a busy built up town using camera shots such as extreme close ups on him panting, and moving out the way as well as showing his eyes to see how focused he is. This part of the video could also include some GoPro shots attached to his body and a chest mount showing his face gradually gaining a smile as he gets closer and closer. Establishing shots using a drone could be beneficial showing how fast he is running to show his anger and passion to leave the place he is currently in. There will be cuts at each beat to match the song and build the tension and hype for the audience before the drop. In addition there will be a performance by the band which can be filmed in a studio with dark blue LED lighting behind them to give them an illumination which also reveals the similarities between the lead singer and the runner, however they will not be
the same actor.

 Moreover, the runner will be seen running left on the screen (can be shot using a treadmill and a green screen) running through each of the seasons which are quickly cut to show how long his journey downhill has been. Memories could even show up on the green screen whilst he runs through them. In addition his clothes will change throughout each season such as wooly hats and big coats in the winter green screen animation and shorts, t-shirt and sunglasses in the summer animation. Potentially there could be a woman actress featured also using the treadmill to show her trying to find him again but this is not guaranteed.

At the end of the song the music suddenly drops, this would then cut straight into the actor waking up in his bedroom realising it was all a dream. As an audience we are left with two possible endings that we can choose, he either gets his act together and learns from the dream and tries to get his old life back, or he just continues with his current life. This dilemma will be shown on the actors face by a confused expression.

This video below shows what kind of shots may be used for some of the outdoor running scenes. The shots used in the video may be influenced on the shots used here on the man in the navy polo shirt.

The narrative sort of repeats itself throughout the video, constantly cutting between seasons, town and performance. As Everything Everything are an alternative band, the stylistic and mysterious element would fit in perfectly with what the band stand for.

Music Video Idea #1- Rizzle Kicks 'Keep it up'

  • My first idea for a music video is the song 'Keep it up' by Rizzle Kicks. They are a hip-hop duo from Brighton and best known for dance and hip-hop classics such as 'Mama do the Hump'. The music video I have in mind would follow the narrative of the song which would mainly be a performance. The beginning would start with the performers matching what they are singing in the song as the song itself quickly narrates catchphrases such as 'I'm better than a dinosaur, with a shiny sword' where the performers would be lip syncing this whilst also pointing at each of the objects they are referring to. The objects would either be props or animation depending what is easier to do/looks the best. Costumes would be casual clothing such as t shirts and skinny jeans. The narrative would follow the whole way through the song however at some points acting/actors may be used to narrate a different part of the song that isn't being performed. 
    Costumes such as this including sunglasses

    For stylistic elements I would like to use animation to show the different objects at the beginning as this would make the video stand out and also it would be easier to get exactly what I have in mind after a day of shooting. The video would fit in with the track by narrating the story as it goes but also be quite comedic with the performers being cheeky chappies which fits in with the brand image of the artist. 

    During pointing at the animations the artist would be singing to the camera and gradually walking forward. On the shoot day the performers will not see anything there when pointing as that will all be put in during post production. 

Thursday 13 August 2015

Wix vs Wordpress

Set up

The set up of Wix is very simple as you can use Facebook and google to create an account, meaning you wont have to put your email in etc. Therefore the set up process takes only a few minutes, stress free. This is appealing to the aspiring website designer as anyone can make an account. 



 Wordpress, on the other hand, uses a fairly simple 5 step programme with different stages. There is no social network sign in option meaning that it does take slightly longer than Wix, but this is not a problem.  Overall, there was no problem with either of these set ups, however its a bonus that Wix is very simple.

Wix had very interesting and different themes, however there wasn't a huge selection that came across as 'professional'. However is was very easy to pick a theme and to make it how you wanted it to.

Wordpress has a huge selection of different themes which do come with a professional look. Therefore I prefer the themes the wordpress use over Wix.
I preferred Wordpress for its professionalism and its easy set up factor. Despite the fact that Wix was easier to use when creating the website, the finish product of Wordpress was worth the time and effort put into it. However I would still enjoy using Wix very much.