Monday 17 August 2015

Music Video Idea #2- Everything Everything 'Distant Past'

Image result for everything everythingMy second idea is Distant Past by Everything Everything. The video would include a male, about 20, who is dreaming (however we don't know this until the end) about what he used to have and how his life has gone gradually down hill. The video would consist of this male running through a busy built up town using camera shots such as extreme close ups on him panting, and moving out the way as well as showing his eyes to see how focused he is. This part of the video could also include some GoPro shots attached to his body and a chest mount showing his face gradually gaining a smile as he gets closer and closer. Establishing shots using a drone could be beneficial showing how fast he is running to show his anger and passion to leave the place he is currently in. There will be cuts at each beat to match the song and build the tension and hype for the audience before the drop. In addition there will be a performance by the band which can be filmed in a studio with dark blue LED lighting behind them to give them an illumination which also reveals the similarities between the lead singer and the runner, however they will not be
the same actor.

 Moreover, the runner will be seen running left on the screen (can be shot using a treadmill and a green screen) running through each of the seasons which are quickly cut to show how long his journey downhill has been. Memories could even show up on the green screen whilst he runs through them. In addition his clothes will change throughout each season such as wooly hats and big coats in the winter green screen animation and shorts, t-shirt and sunglasses in the summer animation. Potentially there could be a woman actress featured also using the treadmill to show her trying to find him again but this is not guaranteed.

At the end of the song the music suddenly drops, this would then cut straight into the actor waking up in his bedroom realising it was all a dream. As an audience we are left with two possible endings that we can choose, he either gets his act together and learns from the dream and tries to get his old life back, or he just continues with his current life. This dilemma will be shown on the actors face by a confused expression.

This video below shows what kind of shots may be used for some of the outdoor running scenes. The shots used in the video may be influenced on the shots used here on the man in the navy polo shirt.

The narrative sort of repeats itself throughout the video, constantly cutting between seasons, town and performance. As Everything Everything are an alternative band, the stylistic and mysterious element would fit in perfectly with what the band stand for.

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