Tuesday 14 October 2014

Analyse the use of sound from a film of your choice- Jurassic Park

The film I have chosen to analyse is Jurassic Park which was directed by Steven Spielberg. I will analyse the part of the film where the characters all enter the park via helicopter for the first time. During this scene, many types of sound is used.

In this scene, there are many types of diegetic and non-diegetic sound is used. Diegetic sound is the sound in the world of the film whereas non-diegetic sound is sound that only the audience can hear, for example sound effects and a soundtrack. The soundtrack from this scene, the non-diegetic sound, is very significant to the scene as it helps portray to the audience how the characters may be feeling. For example, the soundtrack for the most part is varies in both pitch and volume which may signify to the audience that the characters are feeling both excited and nervous for the adventure they are about to undertake. The music lifts off as the camera passes over the helicopter to try and get the audience exited for the land of Jurassic Park which is another example of non-diegetic sound used in this clip. This has all been added to support the mood and atmosphere of the film and these examples have contrasted with the narrative. Synchronous sound was used where the helicopter passes over the camera and the music reached a higher pitch which once again helped to convey to the audience the excitement of the scene.

Diegetic sounds are also very prominent in this scene. For example, the film makers have added creaking of the helicopter for when it was dropping and snapping of the seatbelts to show the audience they are about to land. The seatbelt sound explains to the audience that the characters are being safety cautious and are trying to prevent accidents. It also helps us understand the setting that they are in as it may be bumpy due to the characters desperately trying to get the seatbelts fastened. The creaks of the helicopter help to explain the fact that the setting the characters are in may be abnormal as it is struggling to land. It also makes the audience feel worried for the characters as an unexpected crash may be about to occur. The use of the soundtrack which uses violin strings playing at a high pitch signifies a victory.

The film makers have also included the helicopters blades turning as a sound effect to make it prominent to the audience that this is loud. For example, when the helicopter lands, the blades start to slow down and a sound effect of the engine turning off is played. This may be to signify to the audience that the helicopter was significant in that scene as it was used to get to an unreachable place on foot. This helped the audience also realise the setting of the characters as a helicopter is often used to quickly escort people or help them reach places which may be difficult to reach on land. Dialogue was also a very significant diegetic sound within this scene. For example, the dialogue helped the characters helped express how they were feeling to the characters and the audience alike so it made it easier for us to understand what was happening. They also show their worry for the characters who haven’t fastened their seatbelt ‘we would have landed by the time you got it right’. This small sequence of dialogue helped the audience understand the feelings and emotions of the characters as well as the setting and where they are.

The film makers also used sound bridges in this scene to show the audience first what could be heard and then the characters. Therefore, it went from non-diegetic to diegetic. This occurred with the helicopter as the helicopter sound was heard before it was entered into shot, therefore being non-diegetic, however when it entered the shot it changed to diegetic as it became sound that could be heard in the world of the movie. Another example of this is the soundtrack, where a high pitch violin is playing. This symbolises victory. Despite the fact this is non-diegetic the whole way thorough they make it seem to the audience that this soundtrack is symbolising their emotion and therefore is created to fit the characters in the scene.

In conclusion, diegetic and non-diegetic sounds are used throughout this scene in Jurassic Park. For example the soundtrack resembles emotion for the character and the dialogue resembles how the characters are feeling and portrays this clearly to the audience. Whereas diegetic sounds are used to present the setting as well as dialogue to let the story continue. 

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