Wednesday 18 March 2015

Evaluation Question 4- Who would be the audience for your media product?

I have created a Facebook profile to describe the typical target audience of our thriller and who I think would enjoy the film. The target audience is young adult males, age ranging from 18-25. I believe that this age range would enjoy our thriller because it features a lot of gore and action, which is what a typical 'lad' would enjoy. However, I believe that females of this age range would still enjoy the thriller, however it is particularly aimed at young males.

'Callum Smith' who is the made up profile I have created is 19 years old and he is a typical 'lad'. He would enjoys all types of thrillers and enjoy going out with his mates for a laugh. In his spare time he would create films, listen to music or play football. He wants to be a football coach when he's older, but currently is studying Physical Education at University.

The genre Thriller would attract Callum to watch our film as he is interested in Horrors, Thrillers, Comedy and Action films.

Our secondary audience of young females, age ranged between 19-28 would also be attracted to watch the film. This is because some of the actors in it are good looking which would attract a female to watch a film, such as many females would watch a film purely because Channing Tatum or Zac Efron are in it. The plot of people being captured by ex prisoners would intrigue both males and females as it leaves the film open to a lot of action and thrilling sequences. In addition the storyline in interesting so it may attract them to watch the film.

Thrillers would be more likely to attract males, however now-a-days many females are going to the cinema to watch thrillers. Despite this, I believe that males are more likely to watch the film over females.

His Facebook profile, showing a picture of jigsaw from 'Saw' and a post describing the latest thriller he has just watched.

Callum Smith is currently 19 years old

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