Friday 19 June 2015

Why have I made these decisions to the website- Annotations

I have kept with the green theme to contrast with Ed’s current album, ‘Multiply’ which has a large green cover. In addition, his tour is promoting the green aspect and has green staging so as he is an organic artist (following Negus’ theory) I believe that he would have corresponding colours which he is known for. I have put acommunity page as Ed is known for having a tough upbringing so will want to communicate with his global fans through popular social networking sites as well as the fact this is free advertising for the artist. The banner across the top of the homepage has been carefully selected to show Ed looking directly into the camera, meaning that when fans log onto his website they believe that they are being loyal to him as they may be manipulated into thinking that he knows they are on his website and are showing commitment. They also may feel more involved with the artist, but still not knowing enough due to his absence, following Dyer’s star theory. Likewise with the photos page that I have included, it shows how Ed is just a cheeky chappy who fits the boy next door look enabling fans to relate to him and feel close to him by following what he does. I have included an about and gigs page to show fans who Ed is and enabling them to see him live by following his gigs which is making Ed money. Finally I have included a STORE page as most famous artists have a store and merchandise shop such as t shirts as it is a great way to make money as well as free advertising for the artist such as an Ed Sheeran T-Shirt that is worn around a busy area. In addition it helps fans show their commitment to the artist in which they can boast about how much they love their favourite band/artist. 

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