Thursday 19 November 2015

Research into Digipacks

As Daughter is an indie folk band, I want to follow the connotations of this and create a simple looking digipack. Below are some previous album artwork for Daughter.

His Young Heart- EP

The Wild Youth- EP

If You Leave- Debut Album

If You Leave- Track list

As you can see it follows a very simplistic style which resembles the simplistic style of their songs. It is also interesting to note that every song title is one word. This also follows the conventions of their indie folk style which will be helpful to me when designing the digi pack.

I have also looked at other indie folk band album covers such as Autumn Glow and The Head And The Heart. The album covers of these bands follow the same conventions that Daughter do as an indie folk band which is keeping with the simplistic styles. 

Autumn Glow have a slightly more complex album cover than Daughter due to the transparency of the trees on the man and the prominent colours that are sharpened. 

This album cover is very cool and relaxed as the band are shown relaxing in a dry field with what looks like not a care in the world. This is great and reflects the kind of music that they make which is idie folk and it's very relaxing. 

Of Monsters and Men's album cover once again follows a similar theme as the rest. It promotes a very relaxing vibe with a man present who appears to be having fun in his short shorts. The beach is also a great connotation for audience's as being fun and relaxing which is what most indie folk bands represent. 

Monsters of Folk have produced a slightly different approach to the other indie folk bands album art as they have their faces on the front of the album with a grainy dull look. This is quite eye catching however I am not sure if it would work well for our album cover. 

This artwork is quite dull as there is no colour present however it works for indie folk music. Once again however I am not sure if it is the right album artwork for the front cover, however, art may be nice for a panel on the inside which is something to think about. 

Although James Bay is now a very established artist, he still promotes very simplistically styled album covers. The album cover features James on the front but I believe that he is trying to stand apart from the rest. 

This is a great example of strange beauty as the figure present is quite distorted and is serial. The black and white effect echoes the simplicity of the band once again and emphasises the individuality of the artist. I believe an album cover like this would look great against our band.  

Finally, Tom Odell who is also quite popular now has a similar style of album cover to James Bay in which it just features a picture of himself as the artist. He is positioned on a quite street which also conveys his individuality.

From this research I have learnt that most indie folk artists/bands follow a very simplistic style which can portrays strange beauty. They are all showing their individuality by not having an overly complicated album cover but are stripping everything back and showing who they are as an artist. They are not trying to stand out like main stream pop artists but are in fact doing the exact opposite. When I start to design our digipack I will use this research for influence. 

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