Wednesday 17 September 2014

The Avengers Review

Favourite Film
One of my favourite films I’ve seen is The Avengers. I’ve been a fan of the Iron Man series since the beginning. It’s one of my favourite films for many different reasons from a great cast to amazing special effects. The film was directed by Joss Whedon.

One of the main reasons why it’s my favourite film is because of the great cast. Robert Downey Jr and Chris Evans in particular play terrific roles as they have interesting and unique characters to play but also have chemistry when watching the film that most people would never thought they would have, however, it just seems to work. Scarlett Johansson also portrays a great role that is interesting as she seems to always have a plan for everything, and when her plan succeeds, she quietly continues on with the job she has to do rather than celebrate, this shows how this is so normal for her character. The actors for the film come across naturally and none of the film feels over acted or over acted powers. As well as this, a lot of the film includes some funny one liners which are subtly placed, however, without them it would be noticeable.

Another reason why I love The Avengers is because of the ongoing action and adventure that is continued throughout the whole film. For me personally it’s a great asset to have and kept me gripped throughout the whole film. Particularly in the fight scene, action is blasted left right and centre and there is always something to watch, such as buildings collapsing or the Hulk throwing a car! The special effects throughout the film are ongoing and are intriguing as well as gripping. When watching this movie I feel like I can’t take my eyes off the action due to the explosions and the intriguing and surprisingly funny script.

Another great aspect of the film is the fact all the superheroes are together and it somehow just worked. When I first heard about this movie I was unsure it would work as every superhero is so different, however they all have strong chemistry between one another and all play their part in the Avengers team. As a whole, it is one of my favourite movies, and most defiantly my favourite action movie due to a great cast, beautifully written script and constant explosions which keep you gripped from start until the end. The Avengers is one great movie.

Max Boast

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