Sunday 21 September 2014

Comparing Camera Angles and Movement

The Dark Knight-

Here is the opening shot to the dark knight. They have used an establishing shot to show the audience where the film is being set. This is also a tracking shot.

Here is a mid shot from the dark night. This was used so the audience can see the gun but also can see his facial expressions clearly. There is no camera movements here as the actor is walking towards the camera to create the mid shot. The connotations of this shot show that he works in the building and his facial expressions show that he is on patrol, especially as he is carrying a gun.

I think the shots in the opening sequence work very well and instantly engages the audience and at know point in viewing are you confused about what's happening.

Shaun of the Dead -

This is an extreme long shot from the beginning of Shaun of the Dead. The camera movements for this is a tracking shot moving right to follow the actor. This was used to show the audience that he is walking slowly imitating a zombie. The connotation for this shot is that we believe he may be possessed.

This is a close up on Shaun's feet. He is walking like a zombie as he has just gotten out of bed. The camera tilts downwards as Shaun walks towards the camera, fooling the audience into thinking he's a zombie. The connotation shows that he has just woken up/ that he is a zombie.

I think that although these shots clearly describe that they are situated in a small village, I think some of the shots are boring and doesn't really establish exactly where they are.


This is a long shot of Shrek. The aim of this shot is to give the audience an idea of the surroundings as well as showing Shrek's facial expression to the audience. The camera stays still during this shot whilst Shrek moves. The connotation shows a big friendly monster.

This is an establishing shot of Shrek's home. The camera movement zooms into the home after it shows the audience the kind of swamp it is. The zoom then shows the door to Shrek's home. The connotation to this is that Shrek is very happy with his home and it's well looked after due to the made furniture.

I think that for an animation film, all of these shots are interesting and establishes well where they are.

As all three of the films I have reviewed are very different it is hard to pick a distinct favourite, however for versatility my favourite shots are from The Dark Knight.


  1. Camera angles identified well with correct terminology, some connotations explained through the use of camera work. To progress, much more detail is required, a variety of shots need to be looked at along with further connotations into the use of camera work. More elaboration on the comparison of the three scenes is needed, why are they different? Why is the camera work so different? The effect on the audience. You also need to consider the layout of your blog, and include more pictures to evidence your points.

  2. Include more detail in my descriptions.
    Elaborate further on the conclusions.
    Improve layout on blog.
