Sunday 20 September 2015

Pitching Our Ideas To Luke

On Thursday, we pitched our ideas to Luke who will help us with the music video process. He was very impressed with 'the boy in the woods' idea which was our groups favourite idea however he was worried about how strong the narrative was and how engaging the final product will be for an audience. From this, as a group, we have come up with the idea of the boy being a survivor in the woods in which the woods is his new home. The woodland boy is searching for his lost girlfriend who is also a dancer in the story. The band would be performing in the woodland as well but we are currently unsure how, maybe in a hut? The boy and girl would be covered in dirt wearing earthy colours as they look for one another. My idea of Alex Clare 'Too Close' for this video went down well so if we were to go with this idea that would most likely be the song.

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